Archive for the 'Weight loss' Category

“Alli-cat” Get it? LOLZ!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


i’s did itz myslvs!

Sicko: Alli “treatment effects” are almost as fun as LOLCATS

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In Sicko, Moore interviewed a doctor in London who described how doctors are paid on results. In other words, the more people he can get to stay healthy (join quit-smoking programs, etc), the better he is paid.

In the USA, doctors get paid by treating the sick and are not rewarded (monetarily) by making sure we are well.

So, perhaps doctors and drug companies profit by keeping us sick.

Let’s tie that in with the weight-loss drug Alli and its “treatment effects.”


You know, this is telling you, straight out, you’re going to have uncontrollable, spraying shits in your pants that will resemble the oil on the top of a pizza. Whoa, is that the real treatment? To get people to be so grossed out by what they are putting in their bodies they will stop pigging out on greasy food? Is this really about aversion therapy, or is that just a nice “treatment effect”?

If you feel the slightest bit gassy, “the bathroom is really the best place to go.” Because, again, you’re about to drop a deuce in your Dockers.

Wear dark pants to work. Bring a couple changes to work. Maybe a butt plug, while you’re at it.

I highlighted the last point because it seemed like such a common-sense thing to say, it was like the equivalent of a sewer worker gently daubing a bit of marinara sauce from his moustache while being covered in “oily spotting”.

The lesson of the day is Quit eating like a pig and get some fucking exercise, will ya?

PS–This drug was an OTC item in Australia until they decided to pull it back and regulate it for prescription-only.